@ Riverside Art Museum

Exhibition: November 5, 2015 – January 9, 2016

Thank you to those who submitted. Your artwork will hang in the alcoves for the duration of our Baby Tattooville: Fade to Black exhibition.

Submission Rules

We love our local artists and want to give them some love! The Riverside Art Museum is launching Local Love, a crowd-curated mini-exhibition at RAM.

This is a CALL FOR LOCAL ARTISTS for artwork inspired by the Baby Tattooville: Fade to Black exhibit.

Participants can submit one .jpg image each of up to three proposed artwork(s) to [email protected] for exhibition review with their name, title, date of creation, dimensions, medium, and their city of residence.

All proposed 2-D artwork (must be framed and ready to hang or install) and all proposed 3-D artwork must fit the exhibition space (15”W x 55”H x 13”D).

Entries will face an initial jury before a select number will be posted on RAM’s Instagram and Facebook pages for public vote. Up to two pieces will be chosen based on the number of likes and what will fit in the exhibition space. 

Submission deadline: October 23

Voting deadline: October 30

Opening: November 5

Winners will be contacted after the voting deadline to set up a day/time to drop off their artwork at the museum for install.