Join us for the 4th Annual Riverside Unified School District’s Middle School Art Contest.
Art Contest Rules
- Contest is open to all Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) Middle School Student-Artists.
- One entry per Student-Artist.
- Participation is required if student is currently enrolled in an art class at an RUSD Middle School.
- Only two-dimensional artwork will be accepted in the following mediums/categories: Collage/Mixed Media, Watercolor, Tempera Paint, Acrylics, Oils, Pastel, Colored Pencils, Graphics.
- Artwork must be produced on paper stock appropriate for the medium used.
- Artwork must be no larger than 18” x 24” (no frames allowed).
- Please print on the back of artwork in the upper right corner: Student-Artist’s Full Name, Teacher’s Name and Contact Information, School, and Medium/Category.
- A Completed Application must be attached to the back of artwork.
- All entries must be given to Student-Artist’s art teacher by the morning of Friday, March 27, 2015. The entries will be submitted to the Riverside Art Museum (RAM) by the Art Teacher by 4:00 p.m. same day.
- Artwork must be picked up at RAM after the April 16 – May 3, 2015, exhibition by Sunday, May 31, 2015, or it becomes the property of the RUSD.
Judging will be by local artists and community leaders. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places from each school, as well as a Best of Show.
Reception for winners will be on Thursday, April 16, 2015, 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. at RAM.
All art will be displayed at RAM through Sunday, May 3, 2015. Winning pieces will be displayed at the RUSD Office after the RAM exhibit ends.
For additional information, contact Kim Coons-Leonard at [email protected].
2015 RUSD Middle School Art Contest Winners
- Angel Garcia
- Maraya Escarsega
- Natalie Gonzalez
- Jimeah Alapag
- Alexandra Lobato
- Angel Alvarez
- Victoria Smith
- Elaina Kleven
- Siena Van Olden
BEST IN SHOW – 1st Place: Jaeson Kim – Perfect Rust
- Ruben Bugulin
- Galilea Zarate
- Destiynee Lansangan
- Jason Quiroz
- Jenny Kim
- Gina Filatov
Miller Afterschool Art Club
- Michelle Song
- Lauren McDaid
- Jaden Girova
BEST IN SHOW – 3rd Place: Megan Palumbo – A YouTubers Dream
- Savannah Polk
- Andrew Locatelli
- Paige Brandon
BEST IN SHOW – 2nd place: Kyrah Harris – Untitled
- Jazmine John
- Chelsea Younglove
- Tycho Harris-Pham
- Emily Caldwell
- Farah Arauz
- Oscar Trejo