The Art of Water Protection Project is a series of art education classes and community outreach events to increase public understanding and awareness of pollution, storm water, and pretreatment issues.
We’re kicking things off with a Walk Up Mt. Rubidoux at 8 a.m. Park at Ryan Bonominio Park and meet at the base of Mt. Rubidoux. We’ll supply water. (In the spirit of environmental friendliness, it’d be awesome if you brought your own water bottles. We will, of course, be collecting any plastic bottles to be recycled/repurposed.) Feel free to wear blue or green! We’ll start our walk and along the way, we’ll encounter Plein Air Artists of Riverside members painting this beloved walk. At the top, join Patricia Locke-Dawson, founder of the Santa Ana River Trust, Megan Brousseau, Inland Empire Waterkeeper, and Virginia Godoy for a chat about our local river system and point source pollution. Free family fun and a great way to continue Earth Day celebrations into the weekend!
After the walk up Mt. Rubidoux, come back to the museum and join us for some Water-Inspired Eco Art. Explore our local waterway with artist Adam Maron’s Santa Ana River Diorama. There will also be art making for all ages from 11:00 a.m. – 1 p.m. This event is free with admission or membership.
Psst! If you want to help us out, and upcycle at the same time, drop off empty prescription and pill bottles (labels removed), cardboard toilet paper rolls, and caps off bottles and jars for use in some of the art-making projects. It’d be nice if you do so before Earth Day or on Earth Day, but we’ll be continuing this project in the summer (dates TBA), so it’s never too late! THANK YOU!
This project is supported by grant funding from the California Water Environment Association/Water Protection Professionals.