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Hecho en Park Ave – Opening Reception

April 3 @ 6:00 PM 9:00 PM

Join us for the opening reception of Hecho en Park Ave.

Riverside’s historic eastside neighborhood houses generations of families who migrated to this region in hopes to establish roots and legacy. As time passes and the surrounding area changes, the same journey of a combined betterment continues for many folx who move to this eastside barrioThe Eastside Arthouse, a collective of working artists and muralists, are one of those stories and in 2021, were welcomed in by the area’s locals because of the studio’s mission to bring the art of muralismo to community.

The Chicanx/a/o people of Riverside have a long history of advocacy and self-reliance as a comunidad. This group of artists reflected on the Chicanx/a/o diaspora, and found their own lived experiences as Chicanx/as/os, mirrored within its residents. Hecho En Park Avenue, manifests itself as a self portrait of both the individuals who created the artwork and la raza who contributed pieces of themselves to la cultura Chicanx/a/o that lives alongside Park Avenue.

Featured artists include Juan NavarroRoberto CervantesMegan JonesRosy Cortez (painting), Bryan Garcia, Jonathan GodinezStephanie GodoyClarissa CervantesKirsten KamstraRicardo GarciaDaniel ToledoEstrella Martineze. martinezWillis the GorillaBriar RosaPerry PicasshoeNatali RosasTine TorresAndrea Lopez, and Michelle Espino.

Curated by Michelle Espino and Juan Navarro

This exhibition funded in part by U.S. Bank.

Bryan Garcia, Detail of Mi Barrio Lindo, 2025

3581 Mission Inn Ave
Riverside, California 92507 United States
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