An Artist Group of the Riverside Art Museum
The Photo Artists Network (PAN) recognizes all forms of art that have a camera as its origin. We encourage exploration and experimentation of multiple means of expression, from straight photography to highly-manipulated, digitally-captured images.
Membership benefits include:
- Print Critiques: Comprehensive critique sessions of images with feedback and suggestions from fellow members and the opportunity to ask questions are scheduled regularly;
- Special Projects: Recent projects have included “Quarterly Challenges” whereby members present images within a chosen theme fro review and feedback, with the objective of expanding photographic skills and range of subject matter;
- Field Trips: Members have embarked upon such trips as photo safaris to Southern California zoos, photowalks in local neighborhoods, and road trips to nearby architectural landmarks. The possibilities are as varied as the members’ interests;
- Guest Speakers: Recent meetings have featured experts in topics as diverse as computer and camera techniques, studio and environmental lighting;
- Exhibitions: PAN also participates in exhibitions throughout the region. The opportunity to sell photographic art to the public is one of the principal objectives of the group.
You are invited to join us. We meet at the Riverside Art Museum the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. We also showcase our work during Artswalk (First Thursdays of each month, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
If you would like to become a member of PAN, click here.