A seasonal series of free, family programs featuring activities for all-ages at various downtown locations: the Museum of Riverside, Mission Inn Museum, The Cheech, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside Public Library, and UCR ARTS.
DECEMBER 3, 2023
12 p.m. to 5 p.m. No reservations or reserved tickets needed to access both locations and exhibitions
All-ages activities from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Join us for a Las Posadas celebration!
@The Cheech
12:00 – 12:20 Grupo Axolotl
12:20 – 12:30 History and importance of Las Posadas
12:30 – 12:45 Song instruction
12:45 – 1:00 Procession from The Cheech to Riverside Art Museum (Julia Morgan Building)
@Riverside Art Museum (Julia Morgan Building)
1:00 – 1:20 Grupo Axolotl performs
2:00 – 2:20 Folklorico Perris HS
3:00 – 3:20 Folklorico Rubidoux HS
4:00 – 5:00 David Borquez
Thank you for supporting First Sundays and the exhibition Sacred Spaces: The Work and Collection of Charles Bibbs™

First Sunday of each month from October 1, 2023 – May 4, 2024 is FREE