@ Riverside Art Museum

Prose and Poetry (Part 1), included as part of the Suicide Prevention Online Exhibition 2020:

“Teens and Suicide: Risk Factors and Prevention” by Paulina Rael Jaramillo

“Life After Attempted Suicide” by Sarita Sidhu

“Quietly Sinking” by Jules Ochoa

“How I Knew (for Andre) by Alan Girling

“What Comes After” by S. Kay Murphy

Prose and Poetry in Response to Specific Prints

“LIVE” by Jessica Lea in response to Marie Elloso’s “Live”

“Parachute” by Gayle Brandeis in response to John Bergmeier’s “The Parachute (faith)”

“Victory” by Sharon Sekhon in response to Lorena Williams’s “Victoria (victory)”

“What if” by Cindy Bousquet Harris in response to Jamie Valdez’s “What If”

Artist Statements

Click here for statements from the artists regarding their artwork.

If the above online exhibition does not load correctly, click here.


Suicide Prevention Week

The week starting September 6 is Suicide Prevention Week. Join us here on September 6 as we launch a juried online exhibition of prints created by talented printmakers on the topic of suicide prevention.

We will also share additional information/artwork and mental health resources on our social media channels throughout the week to help spread awareness and shed light on this difficult topic.

If you or someone you know is in crisis:

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741). Both services are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.The deaf and hard of hearing can contact the Lifeline via TTY at 1-800-799-4889.

If you are a veteran, dial 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 to talk to someone or send a text message to 838255 to connect with a VA responder. You can also start a confidential online chat session at veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/chat.

If you are Black and looking to find a licensed Black therapist, click here.

If you live in Riverside County, you can also call 951-686-HELP, the Riverside County Crisis & Suicide Helpline or call 211 through Community Connect. Like the National Suicide Lifeline (800-273-TALK), they provide emotional support and suicide prevention, but also provide accurate and culturally-competent referrals to thousands of local resources for ongoing support. 

For additional resources, visit the Suicide Prevention Resource Center.

Call for Prose/Poetry (Call for writers is now closed. Thank you.)

The Riverside Art Museum and Inlandia Institute invite you to submit a written piece on the theme of suicide prevention. 

Guidelines for Writers:

All genres accepted. Length: Maximum 500 words (double-spaced prose) or 3 pages (poetry, all forms). There are two opportunities for response: 

  • Respond to the general theme of suicide prevention and submit before August 28.
  • Respond to one of the individual online exhibition artworks that will be on view beginning September 6 (exhibition will launch September 8 due to Labor Day weekend). Submit before September 20.

Selected works will be included in a series on the Inlandia Literary Journeys blog, the Riverside Art Museum’s social media accounts, and/or included in the online exhibition. 

  • Submissions must include your real name, email, and phone number.
  • Multiple entries accepted.
  • If selected, a permissions release form will be required that clearly indicates the work is solely your own original work and that you consent to our including it in the exhibit, on social media, and/or the blog series on the Inlandia: A Literary Journey (www.inlandiajournal.org)

Email your submissions as a Word document (.doc, .docx) to [email protected] with the subject line of “Suicide Prevention Project:” and your name. Example: “Suicide Prevention Project: Your Name”.

Call for Prints/How It Works (Call for art is closed, thank you)

SPPE-banner.jpgEach participating printmaker creates and submits a limited edition of twelve prints (print can be any size, but paper must be 5×7 inches) specifically for the exchange. These prints are created using a printmaking technique with archival materials. Of the twelve prints submitted, the Suicide Prevention Print Exchange coordinators, Amy Conger, Denise Kraemer, and Gillian Rold, will keep one for future exhibition usage and one will go to the Riverside Art Museum for possible use in a juried online exhibition running September 6–30, 2020* (exhibition will launch September 8 due to Labor Day weekend).

Each participating print artist will receive 10 random prints in exchange, which will be mailed by October 1, 2020. There is no fee required to participate, but your envelope must be post marked by August 28, 2020, to be included in the exchange and considered for exhibition.

Things to remember:

  • No fee required to participate. 
  • You must be at least 18 years old to participate. 
  • Must be mailed to the Suicide Prevention Print Exchange coordinators and postmarked by August 28, 2020. 
  • Your name and return address must be printed in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope.
  • Send your prints to:
    • First Congregational Church of Riverside
      Suicide Prevention Print Exchange
      3504 Mission Inn Avenue
      Riverside, CA,  92501
  • Must include completed form. Click here to download and print out the form.
  • Work must fit the theme.
  • Prints must be:
    • An edition of 12, signed and numbered.
    • Dry and in good condition.
    • Interleave glassine cover sheets between each print, cut to match paper size.
    • Paper must be cut to 5×7 inches (image can be any size).
  • The Suicide Prevention Print Exchange coordinators will mail your 10 prints to you by October 1, 2020.

The Suicide Prevention Print Exchange coordinators reserve the right not to include your work in the print exchange if you do not follow these steps.

Things to remember about the online exhibition:

  • The online exhibition at the Riverside Art Museum will be a juried exhibition. 
  • The online exhibition will run September 6–September 30, 2020. *Exhibition will launch September 8 due to Labor Day weekend.
  • Submission to the print exchange will not guarantee admission into the online exhibition.
  • The Riverside Art Museum is sponsoring a $1,000 honorarium pool to be equally dispersed to all the participating print artists juried into the exhibition. If you are interested in helping us pay the artists, please click here.