@ Riverside Art Museum
November 6 – November 15, 2008
Reception: November 6, 2008, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Off the Wall is a fundraising event of the Art Alliance and the Riverside Art Museum designed to strengthen the museum’s visibility in the community, to showcase many artists in a gallery setting, and to provide the community an opportunity to purchase original art at terrific prices. Now in its 5th year this event features works of art for sale in $100 increments and priced at $100, $200 and no more than $300. Artists may submit up to 8 paintings. All art must be ready to hang “on the wall” Dates for artist intake are: Sunday, November 1 from 10:00am until 3:00pm, and Monday, November 2 from 10:00am until 3:00pm. Artists receive 50% commission on works sold, or may choose to donate 100% to the museum. All artists will have at least one piece exhibited during the preview and at the opening event. Art will not be sold until the opening party and the sale will continue for an additional week with new works being continually hung. The sale will culminate with a Riverside Art Museum Member Appreciation Sale on Saturday, November 15. Admission to the public sale is free and entrance will be by numbered pass, which will be distributed beginning at 4:00pm and continuing until the 6:00pm sale on Friday, November 7 in front of the Riverside Art Museum. Returning for the 3rd exciting year– “Off the Wall, Jr.” will showcase Riverside Art Museum junior artists with art priced at $10, $20 & $30. Proceeds from “Off The Wall” will benefit youth and adult exhibitions and educational programs for the Riverside Art Museum.